City of Kirkland (2016 to present)
Mojo Strategies provided communications services on multiple occasions during staff transitions. Mojo oversaw communications strategies and all City of Kirkland communications including the city website, e-newsletters, social media and media relations. In 2020, Mojo provided emergency communications services while Kirkland was the epicenter of COVID-19 in the US. She continues to provide on-call communications services for sensitive and complex issues.
City of Kenmore (2019-2021)
Mojo Strategies provided core communications services for City of Kenmore while they recruited for a full time communications manager.
Peninsula Metropolitan Park District (2019-2020)
Mojo Strategies facilitated a Strategic Planning Session for Peninsula Metropolitan Park District and has since overhauled their internal and external communications.
City of Seattle Early Design Review Outreach (2018-2020)
On behalf of developers, Mojo Strategies oversaw over 100 outreach projects to meet the City of Seattle’s new early design review outreach requirements including digital, print, and in-person outreach as well as focused outreach directed to historically underrepresented communities.
City of Duvall (2016)
Mojo Strategies provided strategic guidance and public relations services for the City of Duvall’s 9-year, $330,000 annual levy that was ultimately approved by voters.
Snohomish Health District (2014)
Mojo Strategies managed the Snohomish Health District communications program during staff transitions and developed a Strategic Outreach Handbook to integrate outreach to the community, stakeholder groups and legislators.
City of Normandy Park (2013-2014)
Mojo Strategies leveraged in-house talent to develop and implement a comprehensive communications program. Projects included creating a strategic communications plan, capital project outreach, social media strategy, style guide, citizen survey and monthly e-newsletter.
City of Bothell (2012-2014)
After leaving full-time Public Information Officer position, Joy Johnston of Mojo Strategies was retained as a consultant for two years to run the communications program including quarterly printed newsletter, ongoing e-newsletters, social media, website and media relations. She was involved in marketing Bothell’s downtown revitalization, which helped to attract over $200 million in private investment.